Support and Management
If you cannot find what you are looking for on these pages, please contact us. Our staff may be able to provide useful resources and help with any questions.

Early Years
Advice on feeding and weaning infants, support available, reaching milestones, therapeutical interventions, plus information on health concerns affecting young children.

Dietary Management
Information on diets used in PWS, plus strategies and tips for managing food preoccupation and food seeking behaviour.

School Support
A guide to learning support funding, intellectual abilities, typical learning strengths and weaknesses in PWS, plus teacher tips for managing learning and behaviour at school.

Consistent, positive behaviour management strategies usually work well, but sometimes behaviour can be difficult to manage and these management strategies may help.

Mental Health
Information about mental health issues which can occur in PWS and recognising the signs.

Sexual Development
Information about puberty, sexuality, fertility and discussion about relationships.

Transition to Adulthood
How to prepare for leaving school, further education, employment and greater independence during adolescence.

Supported Living
Many adults with PWS live in a residential care setting and some have supported living arrangements. Find information here for both parents and service providers.

For Family andĀ Friends
A PWS diagnosis can overwhelm grandparents too. This page offers suggestions for grandparents, family and friends on how you can help support the person with PWS and their family.

For People living with PWS
On this page you can learn from people with PWS. You will find inspirational stories and videos by people with PWS. You will also find where to get support, resources and how to get in touch with others with PWS.

For and About Siblings
Having a sibling with PWS can make family life quite different and family stress levels are often raised. This page discusses how siblings can be affected and offers support.