Awareness and Fundraising Resources
We believe that raising awareness of PWS is very important because awareness leads to acceptance and understanding, which in turn leads to creating better lives for our loved ones with PWS. We are a registered charity and therefore we also encourage and assist with fundraising events.
Each year, the international PWS Awareness Month of May provides an ideal opportunity for fundraising. The month ends with PWS Awareness Day which takes place on the last Friday of the month.
Resources, such as social media images, can be downloaded from the Foundation for Prader-Willi Research and other PWS Associations each year. Ribbons and wristbands are available and on PWS Day we all wear orange, the colour of hunger. To assist with fundraising efforts, we have 2 Givealittle pages available:
Families across New Zealand wearing orange in 2017.
Another opportunity for raising awareness and funds is on international Rare Disease Day which is held on the last day of February each year. The New Zealand Rare Disease Day website contains information to help with your campaign.
Or you may want to participate in an organised event whilst also raising funds. Check out these pictures of Team Charlie participating in the Auckland Marathon!

Ask us for a FREE Family Awareness Pack to get you started! Includes: 10 ribbons, 4 adult + 4 small wristbands.
For fundraising events, we recommend you sell ribbons and wristbands for a gold coin donation. Please use the form below to order merchandise and we will send you an invoice. (Note: we only send items within New Zealand.)
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