PWSA Family Camp 2020 – Registration closes JAN 31ST (or when camp is full.)
People with PWS of all ages are welcome to attend with their family or a support worker. Book now by completing a registration form and sending your camp confirmation payment. Flight or ferry subsidies are available for those travelling from the South Island of up to $250 per person. Please read carefully all the details regarding subsidies and transport which can be found below. Please book flights early to avoid price increases and disappointment!
VENUE: MiCamp Taupo
DATES: Fri 28th February to Sun 1st March, 2020.
REGISTRATION: Please complete an online registration form with your group details and make payment (details below).
Arrive at camp in the afternoon; we will check you in to your allocated cabin from 4pm. 
Free time in the pool or using sports equipment or mini-golf.
Dinner 5.30pm
Evening activities – camp games and the Burma Trail
Morning activity groups – kayaking, geocaching, team initiatives, air rifles
Afternoon breakout sessions – we are hoping to have 5 separate sessions for adults with PWS, mums, dads, siblings, and art activities for everyone else.
Free time using the pool, waterslide, or sports equipment and mini-golf.
Evening activities – bingo followed by campfire (including a talent quest for those who wish to entertain us!)
Morning activity groups – kayaking, geocaching, team initiatives, air rifles
Lunch 12.30-1.30pm and camp tidy up
Camp ends by 2pm
$40 per adult, $25 per child, under 5 free. Please pay into the following account to confirm your registration:
PWSA(NZ): 12-3659-0043686-00 Use your SURNAME and CAMP20 as references.
(If you have previously saved our bank details, please note our change of account.)
We can confirm there is a subsidy of up to $250 per person. There will also be transport available from Taupo to the camp if your flights are booked at the suggested times – please see below. Flight subsidies are only available for those travelling from the South Island and for immediate family members only (please ask us about family limit.) Subsidies are also available for a Support Worker attending with an adult with PWS.
Flight times – all flights arrive at Taupo at either 1.35pm or 5.45pm on Friday 28th February. The 5.45pm flight will be too late for dinner so we suggest you book a flight which arrives at 1.35pm and we will have transport available for 2pm. (However, if we hear from the majority of people that they would rather spend a bit of time in Taupo first, we could arrange a later pickup between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.)
Return flights depart Taupo on Sunday at 2pm which will unfortunately mean a quick lunch before departing camp at 1pm. The later flight is early evening which would make arrival home too late for most. You are welcome to book a later flight, although we cannot guarantee any transport to the airport at a later time.
Tips for booking cheaper flights:
- book in advance or take advantage of a flight sale day
- book ‘seat only’ carry-on luggage for as many family members as you can (You only need to bring linen and towels. Pillows and blankets are provided.)
- you do not need to reserve seats (this is an add-on charge)
Please go ahead and book your flights or ferry tickets and forward your tickets / purchase confirmation to: in order to receive a subsidy.